All items are gently used, be sure to look the item over before purchasing. All sales are final.

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Contact Us

Are you tired of dealing with automated systems? So are we! That’s why when you contact us, you can be sure you’re talking to an actual person. We do receive a large number of inquires, however, we do our best to get back to you right away. At the moment, email is the best way to contact us.

Please fill out the form below. This will be the fastest response time as we check our email daily. If you have any questions provide them in the comment/message area and we will respond to you at our earliest convenience. Please refer to our FAQ page, as you may find your answer there.

If you think we should add a question & answer that may not be on the page already, please let us know. If you have a question, chances are so do other people so we want to make sure we are a helpful as we can be.

Note: We only hold items for 24 hours. If payment is not received before then, the item will become available for purchase again. In store items (coming soon) will be held until closing time the same day.

Thank you for contacting Timeline Thrift & Collectibles! Have a wonderful day and we will talk to you soon!

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Thank you for contacting Timeline Thrift & Collectibles! While you wait for a response, feel free to poke around the site and learn more about our family business. You may just find something you didn’t know you needed!